Health and Safety in Construction - Design Risk Assessment
Institution of Civil Engineers, NW Association (Merseyside Branch)
Lectures for CPD Seminars, 18th March 1997 and 12th March 1998
What to do when an Inspector calls (Part 2)
NW CDM Duty Holders’ Support Group, 19th May 2003
Holiday Inn, Haydock
CDM - Designers Can Do More (HSE Intervention Strategy)
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Merseyside Branch, 10th November 2003
Liverpool Moat House Hotel
Retention of masonry facades:
Best practice guidance and site handbook - Background to the project
CIRIA, London, 13th November 2003
CDM - Designers Can Do More
Designer Awareness Days (DAD)
County Hall, Durham, 25th November 2003
National Coal Mining Museum, Wakefield, 4th February 2004
County Hall, Durham, 28th April 2005
CDM - Designers Can Do More
Current Designer Issues, 21st October 2004
ICE NW Seminar, JJB Conference Centre, Wigan
CDM/CHSW Consultation Events (with Constructing Excellence)
Outline of the proposed changes
10th May 2005, Durham CCC (x2)
11th May 2005, Keele University, Stoke
20th May 2005, St. Asaph
23rd June 2005, Leeds Stadium, Leeds
A year in the life of a Specialist Inspector
Lyon Symposium, 22nd September 2005
Rheged Centre, Penrith
Health and Safety
Institution of Structural Engineers, Council Meeting, 29th September 2005
Communication and Designer
HSE Designer Awareness Day (DAD), 13th March 2006
Work at Height Regulations and Falls Campaign
HSE Safety Health and Awareness Day (SHAD), 11th April, 2006
LACE Centre, Liverpool
‘Evidence of failure?’ Reflections on some recent UK research findings
CEN/TC160 and ISO/TC94/SC4 (Protection against falls from a height)
Joint Meeting, 20th September 2006
Haan, Germany
Training and competence for work at height
British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA), Health and Safety Update
25th September 2006, Brockworth
9th November 2006, Huddersfield
Opening Remarks: 6th Technical Symposium - Emergency Response at Height
Lyon Symposium, 26th September 2006
Rheged Centre, Penrith
A year in the life of a Specialist Inspector
The Institution of Structural Engineers
Surrey Branch, 5th February 2007
Northern Counties Branch (Newcastle), 6th March 2007
Scottish Branch, 24th April 2007
Northern Counties Branch (Stockton), 22nd April 2008
also, NW CDM Dutyholders’ Support Group, 26th February 2007, Lymm Service Conference Room
CDM Overview
British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA), Health and Safety Update
1st November 2007, Brockworth
8th November 2007, Huddersfield
Working at Height
IOSH-sponsored Seminar (Manchester and North West Districts Branch)
at Health+Safety 07, Reebok Stadium, Bolton
10th October 2007
Work at Height
IOSH Manchester Branch, 13th October 2007
Recent innovations in safety during steelwork erection in the UK
Steel News and Notes, Singapore Structural Steel Society (Link)
June 2008, Vol. 21, No. 2, Pages 7 to 10
A day in the life of a Safety Director
Lyon Equipment, Technical Symposium 2008 - Fall Arrest: from Anchor to Harness
Rheged Centre, Penrith, 17th September 2008
also, abridged version at NW CDM Duty Holders’ Support Group, Lymm, November 2008
Working at Height
British Safety Council (BSC) sponsored Seminar
at Health+Safety 09, Sandown Racecourse, Esher, 25th February 2009
Work at height: Fall arrest (Hooped ladders; and Personal fall protection standards: an update)
Rationalising risk: The science behind health and safety
IOSH Manchester and NW Districts Branch, Barton Grange Hotel, Preston, 11th June 2013
Personal fall protection standards: an update
Renewable Training Network (RTN) Workshop (with RenewableUK)
Fleetwood College, Blackpool, 15th May 2013
Selection use and maintenance of safety critical equipment. What is current and emerging experience and good practice?
RenewableUK Health and Safety 2015 (Workshop: Managing Emergencies in Remote Locations)
Workshop 3, Rescue Equipment & PPE
28 January 2015, Edgbaston Stadium, Birmingham
Escape from a turbine nacelle in the event of a fire, Personal protective equipment (link)
G9 Offshore Wind Health & Safety Association
Safe by Design Workshop, Oslo, Norway, 25 March 2015
London Work at Height Seminar 2016
When it all goes wrong ...
The Guildhall, City of London, 13th July 2016